Benefits from Small Scale Local Waste to Energy Plants

By developing Waste to Energy plants on a small local scale the plant can:

  • Sized to match the local heating/cooling needs so ensuring good quality combined heat and power is achieved
  • Expensive grid upgrades are avoided as the output can usually be accommodated on the existing grid network
  • Plants can be scaled to operate off grid in remote areas
  • New skilled and semi-skilled jobs are created
  • Provides a disposal route for local wastes avoiding landfill

In Europe Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) is widely available so BREH in the Baltic States will initially be using SRF prepared by others. BREH will however be seeking to process higher value wastes and it will be necessary fro BREH to process these wastes into a suitable form for use as a fuel.

Where SRF is not available necessary, BREH will advise on the development of facilities to sort raw Municipal Solid Waste and other wastes into recoverable fractions and residual waste and the preparation of fuel from the residual wastes. BREH will also advise on the handling of specific hazardous wastes and the preparation of fuels from these wastes.

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