Welcome to Baltic Renewable Energy

The company is developing a small combined heat and power (CHP) plant business in the Baltic States, using Advanced Thermal Treatment Technology (ATT) to generate heat and power from biomass and waste.

The first plant is scheduled to come on stream in the near future and will supply low cost heat from renewable sources to a small township in Latvia, so reducing the carbon footprint of the town to a minimum, helping make it one of the “greenest” towns in the Baltic States.

The power will be sold initially through the Latvian National Grid to the state Power company, Latvenergo AS (https://www.latvenergo.lv/eng/ ).

The technology being used is amongst the most advanced in the world achieving very high levels of efficiency and extremely high environmental standards for emissions.

The fuel will be biomass from local forests and wastes from households and commercial and service industries. The plant will provide an efficient and environmentally sound disposal route for a range of wastes, helping achieve zero carbon to landfill and avoiding the hazards of putting wastes to landfill and the inappropriate disposal of other wastes.

For more information about Latvia see:

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